
WHO five moments of hand hygiene practice among nurses: A study of tamale teaching hospital, Ghana

Abdul Rauf Alhassan

The main aim of this study was to assess WHO's five moments of hand hygiene practice among nurses at the surgical department of Tamale Teaching Hospital. This study was conducted using a descriptive cross-sectional survey. Data entry and analysis were done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20. Frequencies and percentages were used for descriptive analysis and chi-square analysis was done for association and predictors were identified with multiple regression models. A total of 118 questionnaires were administered of which 107 were satisfactorily filled and returned. The mean age of the respondents was 32.21 ± 6.48 with minimum and maximum ages of 21 and 58 respectively. The mean years of occupational and departmental experience were 6.48 ± 5.39 and 3.16 ± 3.15 respectively. The majority (82.2%) of the respondents had good knowledge concerning nosocomial infection prevention. Only 10.3% of the respondents indicated IPC materials or services were always available to them. About 64.5% of the respondents practiced good hand hygiene and factors associated with hand hygiene were: were age group of respondents X2 (2,107)=0.201, p=0.006 and IPC materials or services availability level X2 (2,107)=9.982, p=0.007. And factors that predicted hand hygiene were: Years of experience in occupation (β=0.372. p=0.040) and IPC knowledge score (β=0.306. p=0.001).
