
Sleep disruption in adolescents with Type1 diabetes mellitus: relationships with adherence and diabetes control

Rebecca A Hazen, Karla K Fehr, Andrea Fidler, Melissa K Cousino, Sarah A MacLeish & Rose Gubitosi-Klug

Aim: To examine the relationship of sleep disturbance with adherence and glycemic control in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Materials & methods: Participants included 72 adolescents in poor metabolic control. Parents reported on the frequency of the following sleep disturbances: sleeping too much, not sleeping enough, trouble sleeping and being overtired. Adherence was assessed via self-report and frequency of blood glucose monitoring. Glycemic control was assessed via hemoglobin A1c and continuous glucose monitoring data.
Results: Sleeping more was associated with lower adherence and higher HbA1c. Sleeping more and trouble sleeping were associated with hyperglycemia as measured by continuous glucose monitoring.
Conclusion: Sleep disturbance may negatively impact adherence and glycemic control. Additional research is needed to determine directionality of relationships.
