
SiMAMT: An Interactive 3D Graphical Simulation Environment for Strategy-Based Multi-Agent Multi-Team Systems

Michael Franklin

Multi-agent multi-team environments are complicated and complex. The normal approach is to simplify the structure by using a single policy for each agent, such as in swarming or flocking algorithms. While this type of simulation environment may provide multiple agents
working within the system, their interactions are singledimensional and their group behavior minimal. SiMAMT, in contrast, is a hierarchical, strategy-based approach that provides large-scale, complex strategic initiatives realized by independent intelligent single agents. These agents are independent because they have their own talents, skills, abilities, and behaviors that are influenced by the commands
given to them from the layer above (e.g., the team). These agents can all have their own behaviors, or several could have similar behaviors, or entire teams could share one behavior, depending on the scenario. Further, SiMAMT utilizes strategy-based behaviors at every level, so the players are influenced by the team’s strategy, the teams are influenced by the unit’s strategy, the units are influenced by the battalions’ strategy, etc. 
