
Molecular Structure and Electrical Properties of Copper Zinc Tin Titanate with Metal as a Substitution

Asfaq Faij

This paper conducts in-depth research on the ruthenium-substituted calcium-copper titanates (CCTRO, CaCu3Ti4xRuxO12) crystal structure and dielectric properties. It consisted of three samples of varying stoichiometry: The abbreviations for CaCu3Ti4xRuxO12 with x values of 0, 1, and 4 are CCTO, CCT3RO, and CCRO, respectively. A comprehensive structural analysis of the CCTRO samples was made possible by the Rietveld refinement of the XRPD data. The results show that the crystal structure of the unit cell AA’3B4O12 (CaCu3Ti4xRuxO12) remains cubic regardless of whether Ti4+ or Ru4+ ions are in the B crystallographic position. symmetry. The CaCu3Ti4xRuxO12 crystal lattice contains Ru4+ ions with larger ionic radii than Ti4+ (0.605), as evidenced by slight increases in unit cell parameters, cell volume, and interatomic distances. The structural investigations were confirmed by EDXS elemental mapping, TEM, HRTEM, and ADF/STEM analyses, respectively. To find out how the proportion of Ru atoms in CaCu3Ti4xRuxO12 samples affected their electrical properties, impedance and dielectric measurements were used. According to dielectric measurements, one atom of ruthenium per CaCu3Ti4xRuxO12 unit cell maintains the cubic crystal structure while converting dielectric CCTO into conductive CCT3RO. As indicated by our discoveries, the mix of CCTO and CCT3RO earthenware production is great for settling the issue of weight on capacitor dielectric-cathode interfaces.
