
Gastrointestinal pathologies recorded at the Felix Houphouet-Boigny university community health center from 2013 to 2017 (Abidjan - Ivory Coast)

Ngbesso Jean Paul Ngbesso, Kanga Demedeiros, Allou AimeConstantin Ahoua, Arra A. Juli Landry, Doumbia Mariamou Cisse, Serge Mambey6 and Okoubo Nee Nicaise A

Gastrointestinal diseases are diseases caused by digestive germs, widespread in the world, especially in
sub-Saharan Africa. They constitute a significant public health problem for the Ivory Coast, particularly
for populations living under conditions of poor hygiene. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
prevalence of gastrointestinal pathologies within the student body attending the Felix Houphouet-
Boigny University Community Health Center. The study was conducted in the university center of
the university Felix Houphouet-Boigny de Cocody to the south of the Ivory Coast between January to
February 2018. It consisted of a documentary investigation which was carried out by consulting the
medical files of the patients. The results revealed that gastrointestinal pathologies constituted the
third principal cause of affection in the students with 16% of the consultations. This study permitted
to evaluate the level of prevalence of gastrointestinal pathologies of 2013 to 2017. From this study, it
was concluded that gastrointestinal pathology was a health problem for this student population.