
A realistic, randomised clinical study is being conducted to compare the effects of two low-energy diets on the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis in obese patients

Simone Appenzeller


To estimate in a prospective, randomized clinical trial (RCT), symptom response among fat knee osteoarthritis (OA) cases following a doable, ferocious weight- loss program for 16 weeks.


Eligible cases were fat (body mass indicator (BMI)> 30 kg/ m2);> 50 times old, with primary knee OA. Actors were randomized to either a veritably-low- energy diet (VLED) or a low- energy diet (LED) (415 kcal/ day and 810 kcal/ day, independently), using commercially available formula foods – only for the first 8 weeks, managed by dieticians. The 8 weeks were followed by a fresh 8- week period of a hypo-energetic diet conforming of normal food plus mess reserves (1200 kcal/ day). The primary endpoint was the number of cases responding according to the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OMERACT – OARSI) pollee criterion. The statistical analysis was grounded on anon-responder intention- to- treat (ITT) population (birth observation carried forward).


One hundred and ninety two cases( 155(80.7) ladies) with a mean age62.5 times( standard divagation( SD)6.4; range 50 – 78 times); average BMI37.3( SD4.8) were included. At 16 weeks, analogous proportions of the VLED and LED groups, 59(61.5), and 63(65.6) cases, independently, met the OMERACT – OARSI pollee criteria, with no statistical significant difference between the groups (P = 0.55). Combining the groups the pooled estimate was 64 meeting the pollee criteria (95 confidence interval (CI) 57, 70). There was an overall reduction in pain, corresponding to an average pain reduction on the visual analogue scale (VAS) of11.1 (95CI13.6, 8.5) in the concerted groups. At week 16 weight loss in the concerted groups was12.8 kg (95CI11.84 –13.66; P<0.001). 71 lost ≥ 10 body weight in both diet groups, with a pooled estimate of 74 (95CI 68 – 80).


No clinically significant differences were set up between the 415 kcal/ day and 810 kcal/ day diets. A 16- week formula- diet weight- loss program redounded in a fast and effective weight loss with veritably many adverse events performing in a largely significant enhancement in symptoms in fat cases with knee OA.
